The full program of the ASL spring meeting is now up; in addition to the special sessions I advertized earlier, there'll be a very nice lineup of contributed talks.
Month: December 2004
Logic and Philosophy at the Pacific APA, again
Reminder: if you want a reason to go to the APA Pacific Division Meeting in San Francisco in March, and have something logical to present: The deadline for submission of contributed papers to the ASL Spring Meeting is a week away.2. There will be a special session on logic and philosophy, especially, logic in philosophy … Continue reading Logic and Philosophy at the Pacific APA, again
Graduate Studies at Berkeley’s Logic Group
Unfortunately (and, to me, inexeplicably), the Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science got dropped from the specialty rankings for mathematical logic in the 204-06 edition of the Philosophical Gourmet Report. But if you are thinking of going to grad school for logic, take it from me: Berekely still belongs in Group 1, where … Continue reading Graduate Studies at Berkeley’s Logic Group