Yarden Katz writes per email: There's a new site out -- videolectures.net -- where anyone can post videos of academic lectures. Right now it's dominated by (very good) machine learning and statistics lectures, but there's nothing on logic or philosophy. I was looking online for videos of logic-related lectures to add, but found virtually none. … Continue reading Videos of Lectures
Month: April 2007
Women in (Philosophical) Logic
Recent posts on the status of women in philosophy made me want to know what the situation is in logic. In philosophical logic it's not good. I have a hunch that it's better in logic generally, but haven't had time to check this. The data I used is the number of publications in the Journal … Continue reading Women in (Philosophical) Logic
Church’s Thesis and Functional Programming
Via LtU, David Turner on Church's Thesis, the lambda calculus, and the development of functional programming languages [PDF].
Advice for (not just) mathematicians
As Shawn said, much of Terence Tao's advice applies not just to mathematician, but also to philosophers (especially the "be considerate to your audience" and "talks are not the same as papers" parts, although disciplinary culture in philosophy seems still to deny at least the latter). I sometimes wish more people would use the wastebasket, … Continue reading Advice for (not just) mathematicians
Logic job at Auckland, NZ
The Department of Philosophy, University of Auckland, seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Logic. (Vacancy number: A248-07O. The position is a continuing one.) The successful applicant will be expected to undertake research, and to teach at introductory undergraduate, advanced undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and to supervise research students for the MA and PhD degrees. Applicants … Continue reading Logic job at Auckland, NZ
More Labyrinth Guards
At LanguageLog.
Early Development of Set Theory
Another one of the SEP entries commissioned by Paolo and me: The Early Development of Set Theory, by José Ferreirós, author of Labyrinth of Thought.