2005 is Einstein Year. 2006 will be Gödel Year: on April 28, 2006, Kurt Gödel would have been 100 years old. So next year will be hectic if you want to hit all the Gödel-related events:Gödel’s Philosophy, a session of the Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science, on February 27. Speakers: Juliette Kennedy, Palle Yourgrau, … Continue reading Gödel Year 2006
Month: November 2005
History of Logic Graduate Courses
I was looking around the Internets for courses in history of logic. I thought something like it would be hard to find--kind of an obscure and specialized topic. But then it turns out that Amsterdam's ILLC requires such a course (Core Logic), and at Oxford it's a history option (you can chose between The Rise … Continue reading History of Logic Graduate Courses
Master Class in Mathematical Logic, 2006/07
Gillian has already posted about it, but it can't hurt to point to it again: 2006-2007 MASTER CLASS IN MATHEMATICAL LOGICIn the academic year 2006-2007 a year-long program of courses in Mathematical Logic is organized by MRI (Mathematical Research Institute) in The Netherlands (a cooperation of Dutch Universities).The program is intended for advanced undergraduate and … Continue reading Master Class in Mathematical Logic, 2006/07
Logic and Philosophy Graduate Programs Open Thread
I didn't want to just push Berkeley, so why don't y'all post your opinions about what other departments and programs would be good places for graduate study for someone interested in logic and philosophy? Anyone from Amsterdam reading this? CMU? Irvine? SFU? It would be interesting to find out about non-English speaking programs, too. Where … Continue reading Logic and Philosophy Graduate Programs Open Thread
Another Plug for the Berkeley Logic Group
Since application deadlines for graduate school are nearing, I'll link to my post from last year where I pointed out that it's indefensible (in my mind, in any case) not to rank the Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science at UC Berkeley in the mathematical logic category in the Gourmet Report. I argued … Continue reading Another Plug for the Berkeley Logic Group
Logic Memory
Via Theorème, (which, by the way, now includes Jacques Dubucs in the list of contributors!) a link to a logic-themed online memory game. According to Theorème, the author is one Nicolas Le Thierry d'Ennequin. Thanks, Nick!Just in case you forgot the rules to Memory: Turn over two cards. If they match, remove them from the … Continue reading Logic Memory
Formal Philosophy online
Formal Philosophy, a collection of interviews with 21 logicians and philosophers edited by Vincent Hendricks and John Symons is now available. The website contains a number of interesting excerpts. Interviews withJohan van Benthem, Brian F. Chellas, Anne Fagot-Largeault, Melvin Fitting, Dagfinn Føllesdal, Haim Gaifman, Clark Nøren Glymour, Adolf Grünbaum, Susan Haack, Sven Ove Hansson, Jaakko … Continue reading Formal Philosophy online
(Anti-)Realisms, Logic and Metaphysics
There will be a conference on (Anti-)Realisms, Logic and Metaphysics, at the University of Nancy, 28 June to 1 July 2006. The call for papers is here (deadline December 15, but they only want abstracts); for more information follow the links on the sidebar on the site. Speakers include Michael Lynch, Peter van Inwagen, Mathieu … Continue reading (Anti-)Realisms, Logic and Metaphysics
Scientific American Special Issue on Logic
Yes, that would be nice if the Scientific American did a special issue on logic. But it's actually a special issue of Pour la Science, the French edition of the Scientific American. Pour la Science Dossier N° 49 (October 2005) is on "Les chemins de la logique". It looks really exciting, and I wish I … Continue reading Scientific American Special Issue on Logic