We're having a little logic conference this weekend in Calgary. If you're in the area, please come! All talks in 1253 Social Sciences, University of Calgary. Relevant papers may be found by following the links below Nuel Belnap (Pittsburgh)Friday, March 27, 4 pmTruth Values, Neither-True-Nor-False, and SupervaluationsMy oral remarks are based on an essay to … Continue reading Antonelli, Belnap, Segerberg in Calgary this Weekend
Month: March 2009
Who’s The Most Famous Philosopher of the 20th Century?
On Leiter's blog there was a poll on the question "who's the most important philosopher of the 20th century", prompted by the unqualified assertion by Jim Holt in a NYT book review that that would be Wittgenstein. The results were widely debated, e.g., on Crooked Timber. The reason the results were contentious, I think, is … Continue reading Who’s The Most Famous Philosopher of the 20th Century?