The deadline to submit abstracts for contributed talks at the ASL Annual Meeting in Storrs, CT this May is today! There will be a super exciting Special Session on History and Philosophy of Logic, featuring: Teresa Kouri (Ohio State), Carnap on translations Daniel Nolan (ANU), Reflections on Routley's Ultralogic Program Dave Ripley (UConn), Toward a … Continue reading Association of Symbolic Logic Abstract Deadline Today!
Month: February 2016
Reconsidering Frege’s Conception of Number
Erich Reck and Roy Cook have edited a special issue of Philosophia Mathematica "Reconsidering Frege's Conception of Number," with contributions by Paddy Blanchette, Phil Ebert, Thomas Forster, Roy Cook, and Richard Heck. It is dedicated to the memory of Aldo Antonelli: Before launching into the introduction to this issue, we would first like to mention … Continue reading Reconsidering Frege’s Conception of Number
The Reason We Use Symbols
In my second logic course I start with some very basic set theory. You forget just how confusing symbols can be to students who aren't used to them. But then you also appreciate how useful they are when you try to explain in "plain English" what they mean. Even something as simple as a proof … Continue reading The Reason We Use Symbols