MUltseq 2.0

MUltseq is a sequent theorem prover for arbitrary finite-valued logics. It was developed over 20 years ago by Àngel Gil and Gernot Salzer. Version 2.0 was presented today at TACL 2024 in Barcelona. I also updated MUltlog to v1.7, which includes a script to generate sequent calculus rules for use with MUltseq.

New details on why Tarski was reluctant to leave Poland before WWII

Paolo Mancosu has a new paper out in the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics: This article makes available some early letters chronicling the relationship between the biologist Joseph H. Woodger and the logician Alfred Tarski. Using twenty-five unpublished letters from Tarski to Woodger preserved in the Woodger Papers at University College, London, I reconstruct their relationship … Continue reading New details on why Tarski was reluctant to leave Poland before WWII

MUltlog 1.13 released

MUltlog is a Prolog program that converts a specification of a finite-valued logic (propositional or first-order) into optimal inference rules for a number of related analytic proof systems: many-sided sequent calculus, signed tableaux, many-sided natural deduction, and clause translation calculi for signed resolution. The specification of the logic can be produced by a simple TCL/TK … Continue reading MUltlog 1.13 released

Adding online exercises with automated grading to any logic course with Carnap

A couple of years ago I posted a roundup of interactive logic courseware with an automatic grading component. The favorite commercial solution is Barwise & Etchemendy's Language, Proof, and Logic textbook that comes with software for doing truth tables, natural deduction proofs, and semantics for propositional and first-order logic, which also automatically grades student's solutions. … Continue reading Adding online exercises with automated grading to any logic course with Carnap