In addition to the new special issue celebrating the 50th anniversary of Gödel's Dialectica interpretation, Wiley-Blackwell has made the original Dialectica issue in which it appeared freely available. That issue itself was a Festschrift in honour of Paul Bernays's 70th birthday. (I'm sorry I'm late to herewith commemorate the 120th birthday of Bernays, who was … Continue reading Paul Bernays at 120
Month: November 2008
The 50th Birthday of the Dialectica Interpretation
Gödel's paper containing his so-called Dialectica interpretation was published 50 years ago in, well, Dialectica. And so Dialectica has a special issue on Gödel's Dialectica interpretation, edited by Thomas Strahm. It looks like all the articles are freely available. Here's (most of) the introduction: Gödel's famous dialectica paper (1958), entitled 'Über eine bisher noch nicht … Continue reading The 50th Birthday of the Dialectica Interpretation
New SEP Entry: Bimbó on Combinatory Logic
Shawn beat me to it: Katalin Bimbó, who's now at the University of Alberta, just published a nice entry on combinatory logic in the SEP.
Papers by Konrad Zdanowski
Via Theorem(e), I've come across the webpage of Konrad Zdanowski, a logician at the Polish Academy and Paris 7. His papers (mostly on arithmetic) all look incredibly interesting, he has lecture notes on Peano arithmetic, and there's also a paper on 2nd order intuitionistic propositional logic, which is somewhat related to my own research. If … Continue reading Papers by Konrad Zdanowski
Tait, Cut-Elimination for Predicative Systems
Sitting in a talk at CMU by Bill Tait on cut elimnation for predicative systems. His approach, in contrast to Rathjen and Takeuti, is to try to get the cut-elimination proof to be mostly (or even, only) about the proofs, and not about proofs and (mostly) ordinal notation systems. He's using the original Tait calculus, … Continue reading Tait, Cut-Elimination for Predicative Systems
Taxonomy for Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics
David Chalmers and David Bourget are setting up a new online resource for papers in philosophy, for which they're designing a taxonomy of philosophical topics to be used for classifying papers in the database. David asks For now, I'm calling for feedback from the philosophical community, either via e-mail or via comments on this blog. … Continue reading Taxonomy for Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics