From my colleague up north, Rob Wilson: The What Sorts of People blog is now up and running: check it out. This is the blog for the What Sorts of People Should There Be? network, a collaborative blog with regular contributions from around 10 team members. Short, recent posts are available on double-amputee Oscar Pistorius's … Continue reading What Sorts of People Should There Be?
Month: May 2008
Open Access Logic Textbooks
Rob Loftis has a roundup of open access introductory logic textbooks. And Hans von Ditmarsch has a list of logic course software.
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Finite Axiomatizability of Theories in the Predicate Calculus Using Additional Predicate Symbols (Classic Logic Papers, Pt. 4)
You probably all know the result that Peano Arithmetic is not finitely axiomatizable (a result due to Ryll-Nardzewski), and a similar result for ZFC (due to Richard Montague, I believe). The standard axiom system for PA is not finite since the axiom scheme of induction stands for infinitely many sentences. Ryll-Nardzewski showed that there is … Continue reading Finite Axiomatizability of Theories in the Predicate Calculus Using Additional Predicate Symbols (Classic Logic Papers, Pt. 4)