Working on the chapters on counterfactual conditionals for the Open Logic Project, I needed some illustrations for David Lewis's sphere models, which he jokingly called "Ptolemaic astronomy." Since Franz Berto joked that this should just require \usepackage{ptolemaicastronomy}, I wrote some LaTeX macros to make this easier using TikZ. You can download ptolemaicastronomy.sty (it should work … Continue reading Ptolemaic Astronomy
Month: March 2018
A New University of Calgary LaTeX Thesis Class based on Memoir
The University of Calgary provides a LaTeX thesis class on its website. That class is based on the original thesis class, modified over the years to keep up with changes to the thesis guidelines of the Faculty of Graduate studies. It produces atrocious results. Chapter headings are not aligned properly. Margins are set to 1 … Continue reading A New University of Calgary LaTeX Thesis Class based on Memoir