Spent today figuring out how to get LaTeX to produce interior and cover PDFs you can use with print-on-demand/self-publishing services such as Lulu and Blurb. Wrote about it at the Open Logic Project.
Month: November 2015
I started making my textbook for Logic II next term, in 7 easy steps. Read about it at the Open Logic Project.
Grad Conference on Logic & Language
Our awesome students are putting on a graduate student conference next May in Calgary! It's right before Congress2015, i.e., the big congress of Canadian humanities & social sciences societies, which includes the Canadian Philosophical Association, the Canadian Society for the History & Philosophy of Mathematics, and the Canadian Society for the History & Philosophy of … Continue reading Grad Conference on Logic & Language
Rózsa Péter, Pioneer of Computability Theory
Rózsa Péter was one of the pioneers of recursive function theory. I wrote a short post about her for Ada Lovelace Day in 2010. More recently, I've found this nice reminiscence/bio by Béla Andrásfai, a Hungarian graph theorist and Péter's adoptive son. I managed to track down one of his daughters, Eszter, who was so … Continue reading Rózsa Péter, Pioneer of Computability Theory