If you're using BibTeX and LaTeX and are doing any kind of scholarly/humanistic work, I'm sure you've run into this annoying problem: BibTeX always complains when a book has both an author and an editor. That's a problem when, say, you want to include Gödel, K., 1986. Collected Works, vol. I. S. Feferman et al., … Continue reading Nerlim: a Master Bibliography Style that Allows Books to have both Authors and Editors
Month: December 2014
Halbach & Visser: Self-reference in arithmetic
New in the Review of Symbolic Logic (part 1, part 2) A Gödel sentence is often described as a sentence saying about itself that it is not provable, and a Henkin sentence as a sentence stating its own provability. We discuss what it could mean for a sentence of arithmetic to ascribe to itself a … Continue reading Halbach & Visser: Self-reference in arithmetic
Storify’d Michael Beaney’s Vienna Circle Lecture on Susan Stebbing
[View the story "Michael Beaney's Vienna Circle Lecture on Susan Stebbing" on Storify]
More on Shatunovsky, Kagan, and Yanovskaya
In response to my post about "lesser known Russian/Soviet logicians", Lev Beklemishev commented: Dirk van Dalen was interested in Shatunovsky's work and at his request I procured a copy of his book on the development of algebra on the basis of what can be called rudimentary constructivist ideas. This was, of course, pre-Brouwerian, and the … Continue reading More on Shatunovsky, Kagan, and Yanovskaya
Some Lesser Known (to me) Russian/Soviet Logicians
I'm working on a paper that features Moses Schönfinkel, so I was reading through a manuscript of his where he rattles off a long list of important logicians. In addition to the usual suspects, it features the names "Schatunowski, Sleschinski, Kahan, Poretski." I spent the better part of a day trying to figure out to … Continue reading Some Lesser Known (to me) Russian/Soviet Logicians
Graduate Programs in Philosophical Logic
Shawn Standefer has done us all a great service by starting and populating a Wiki of PhD programs in Philosophical Logic! This wiki provides an unranked list of PhD (and (eventually) terminal M.A.) programs that have strengths in philosophical logic. Links are provided to the websites, CVs, and PhilPapers profiles of the relevant faculty at … Continue reading Graduate Programs in Philosophical Logic
One person’s modus ponens…
...is another's modus tollens. [W]hen I was nine years old, I came down with scarlet fever. [...] During that year there was nothing in the world which I wanted so much as a bicycle. My father assured me that when I got well I would get one but, childlike, I interpreted this as meaning that … Continue reading One person’s modus ponens…

Adolf Lindenbaum
Jan Zygmunt and Robert Purdy have a paper ("Adolf Lindenbaum: Notes on his Life, with Bibliography and Selected References", open access) in the latest issue of Logica Universalis detailing what little is known about the life of Adolf Lindenbaum (1904-1941). It includes a complete bibliography of Lindenbaum's own publications and public lectures, as well as … Continue reading Adolf Lindenbaum
Kennedy’s Interpreting Gödel Out Now
Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays, edited by Juliette Kennedy, was just published by Cambridge. It looks extremely interesting, with an all-star cast of contributors: Introduction: Gödel and analytic philosophy: how did we get here? Juliette Kennedy Part I. Gödel on Intuition:2. Intuitions of three kinds in Gödel's views on the continuum, John Burgess 3. Gödel on … Continue reading Kennedy’s Interpreting Gödel Out Now