A couple of days ago, Daniel Litt linked to Patrick Brosnan's computer-verified "proof" of the inconsistency of Peano arithmetic. The proof is correct; I just put it in quotes because it relies on a quirk of the proof verification system used (Metamath), which requires you to explicitly prohibit certain variable substitutions. The axiom of PA … Continue reading Famous logicians and their inconsistent theories
Month: June 2021
forall x: Calgary goes international (and other updates)
ICYMI, forall x: Calgary has been translated into German and Portuguese! forall x: Dortmund by Simon Wimmer is the German […]
Learning Outcomes and Grade Specifications in a Formal Logic Course
Zach, Richard. 2021. “Learning Outcomes and Grade Specifications in a Formal Logic Course.” Poster presentation presented at the Mastery Grading University Conference 2021, Online, June 11. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q6rAyXfrz2k79NtaHoMREQ9IDagnbvLN/view. Formal logic is a staple of undergraduate philosophy departments. Courses are typically run as straight lectures, with problem sets and exams. I will describe a design for such … Continue reading Learning Outcomes and Grade Specifications in a Formal Logic Course