The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada has posted a list of new Standard Research Grants for 2005. The success rate for philosophy grants was 38%, down from 48% last year, with applications only increasing slightly (96 vs. 92 last year). The funding rate went down from 46% last year to 25% this year, however, that’s due to the vastly higher requests (a total of 7.8m CAD this year vs. 3.2m CAD last year). This year, new scholars (≤ 5 years beyond PhD) were more successful, with a 38% success rate vs. 29% last year; correspondingly, established scholars were less successful.
Here are the winners. I’ve included the dollar figure (in CAD), but these shouldn’t be taken as an indication of the quality of the project. The funding rate depends on the requirements of the project (travel, research support) and on the amount of graduate student funding, not just on the ranking of the proposal. Faculty release time is almost never funded by SSHRC. I’ve also included the French grants, since I am now a Canadian landed immigrant (probably I’m required to by law!). I’ve probably missed some, and I’ve also left some out if the recipients weren’t in philosophy. Email me if you think I should include a grant not on here.
- Brown, M. Bryson, The University of Lethbridge; Jennings, Raymond E.; Simon Fraser University; Schotch, Peter K., Dalhousie University. Preservationism. $115,277
- Linsky, Bernard, University of Alberta. The second edition of Principia Mathematica. $26,332
- Wilson, Robert A., University of Alberta. Domains of the social $49,211
- Brake, Elizabeth E., University of Calgary. Marriage, neutrality, and institutional transformation. $44,304
- Markotic, Lorraine J., University of Calgary. Unrecognized gifts, unnoticed giving. $30,842
- Shapiro, Lisa C., Simon Fraser University. The passions and the problem of human nature in Descartes. $39,284
- Schabas, Margaret, The University of British Columbia. Hume’s political economy. $37,200
- Simchen, Ori, The University of British Columbia. Cognitive relativity. $60,500
- Todd, Robert B., The University of British Columbia (Classics). Philosophy and science in late antiquity – two studies: Themistius on Aristotle Physics, Books 6 and 8; Damianus’ Optica. $26,429
- Walton, Douglas N., University of Winnipeg. Dialogue systems for argumentation in artificial intelligence and law. $62,264
- Renaud, Francois, Université de Moncton. L’herméneutique platonicienne à la fin de l’antiquité : les trois commentaires d’Olympiodore d’Alexandrie (VI s.) $21,448
- Lehoux, Daryn R., University of King’s College (HPST). Prediction in ancient science. $51,345
- Irvin, Sherri, Carleton University. Rethinking aesthetic theories in light of contemporary art. $50,427
- Kraay, Klaas J., Ryerson University. Theism, evil, and religious belief. $22,070
- Heyd, Thomas , Saint Paul University. Environmental philosophy and humanly modified spaces. $28,425
- Lennon, Thomas M., The University of Western Ontario. The idea of God in early modern philosophy. $26,950
- Maynard, Patrick, The University of Western Ontario. Many aesthetics. $20,176
- Stainton, Robert J. H., The University of Western Ontario; de Villiers, Jessica, The University of British Columbia; Kenyon, Tim A., University of Waterloo; Paul, Ileana, The University of Western Ontario; Viger, Christopher D., The University of Western Ontario. The semantics-pragmatics boundary from the perspective of cognitive science and pragmatic deficits in autism. $119,743
- Montminy, Martin, University of Ottawa. Contextualisme épistémologique. $49,752
- Rusnock, Paul H., University of Ottawa. Rusnock, Paul H. The philosophy of Bernard Bolzano (2). $49,438
- de Sousa, Ronald, University of Toronto. Emotion, truth and value. $59,856
- Hurka, Thomas M., University of Toronto. Moral theory from Sidgwick to Ross (1874-1939). $33,250
- Rattan, Gurpreet S., University of Toronto. Conflict and conceptual representation. $48,623
- Seager, William, University of Toronto. Emergence and consciousness. $30,950
- Sreenivasan, Gopal, University of Toronto. What is the meaning of informed consent? $37,734
- Yan, Jinfen, University of Toronto. Confucian mind, daoist body and buddhist destiny: ethical and philosophical thought of woman as reflected in classical poetry and the treasured volumes/Baojuan in Dunhuang. $24,500
- Guarini, Marcello, University of Windsor. Classificatory analogies: logical, cognitive and social dimensions. $65,965
- Andrews, Kristin A., York University. Understanding folk psychologies. $49,863
- Lapointe, Sandra, Concordia University. Signe, expression et comportement linguistique : philosophie du langage et théorie de la communication chez Edmund Husserl. $54,914
- Carson, Emily, McGill University. Mathematics in Kant’s critical philosophy. $62,095
- McGilvray, James A., McGill University. A naturalistic account of linguistic meaning. $71,253
- Bergo, Bettina G., Université de Montréal. History of anxiety in philosophy and psychoanalysis: 1844-1974. $55,724
- Bouchard, Frédéric, Université de Montréal. The new laws of biology and the expansion of evolutionary theory. $51,128
- Grondin, Jean , Université de Montréal. L’héritage de Gadamer. $83,635
- Laurier, Daniel, Université de Montréal. Raisons, rationalité et contenus. $64,069
- Lepage, François, Université de Montréal; Morgan, Charles G., University of Victoria. Formal semantics based on higher order probability theory. $74,270
- [Update: missed this one:] Heidi Maibom, Carleton University, “Defending a rationalist moral psychology”, 30,000$