PhD Student Position in Logic and Cognitive Science, Department of
Philosophy, University of Bristol (UK):A newly established research group headed by Hannes Leitgeb at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, has an open position for a PhD student. The group, which will be part of an international EUROCORES Collaborative Research Project on Metacognition, will be funded by the AHRC and the European Science Foundation (as should be confirmed officially in the first half of August 2006). The Bristol group will be dealing with:
Logical Constraints on Conditionals and Introspection in Systems of Belief Revision and Non-Monotonic Reasoning.
The doctoral student will have an undergraduate background in philosophy, logic, and cognitive science, and will be expected to work on a suitable PhD thesis topic within the project. The group will be able to fund three years of tuition fees and maintenance (funds will also be available for computer equipment, conference fees, and travel costs).
There is no official deadline, but since the student’s doctoral studies have to be taken up in the beginning of October 2006, we strongly recommend applications for this position to be submitted as early as possible.
Applications (including a CV and references) should be sent electronically to
Informal enquiries may be directed to: