Call for Papers
The Society for Exact Philosophy invites submission of papers for the 36th annual S.E.P. conference to be held at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming. May 13-17, 2008.
Keynote speakers:
George Bealer (Yale),
Charles Chihara (Berkeley),
Graeme Forbes (Colorado).
Conference organizer: Prof. Mark Moffett (Wyoming).
Paper submissions in all areas of analytic philosophy are welcomed.
Paper submission deadline: January 31st, 2008.
“The SEP is dedicated to providing sustained discussion among researchers who believe that rigorous methods have a place in philosophical investigations.” Information on the Society and its previous meetings is on the web at
Conference website:
Submission Instructions
Authors are requested to submit their papers according to the following guidelines: 1) Papers should be prepared for blind refereeing, 2) put into PDF file format, and 3) sent as an email attachment to the address given below — where 4) the subject line of the submission email should include the key-phrase “SEP submission”, and 5) the body text of the email message should constitute a cover page for the submission by including i) return email address, ii) author’s name, iii) affiliation, iv) paper title, and v) short abstract.
Electronic submissions should be sent to
Nota Bene: All submissions will receive email confirmation of receipt. If your submission does not soon result in such an email confirmation, please send an inquiry either to the above address or to the local organizer.
You should plan on having 40 minutes presentation time. We suppose this to be the principle guide in judging the length of the paper you send. It is the norm at SEP meetings for speakers to present rather than read their papers (and this is a virtue), so it is to be expected that presentation time and page length will only loosely correlate.
That said, do please bear in mind that a referee needs to both grasp the content of your paper and be able to readily envisage how you could present it in the available time. So, if your paper runs long, you might for this reason what to prep a shortened version.
(If you prefer a page number specification to this human guideline: fifteen double-spaced pages is a common norm for forty minute talks.)