Taxonomy for Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics

David Chalmers and David Bourget are setting up a new online resource for papers in philosophy, for which they’re designing a taxonomy of philosophical topics to be used for classifying papers in the database. David asks

For now, I’m calling for feedback from the philosophical community, either via e-mail or via comments on this blog. Especially valuable will be thoughts on categories that we’ve missed, on ways to structure categories that don’t yet have much structure, and on better ways of structuring things in tricky cases.

Please post responses at Dave’s blog. The logic and philosophy of math part of the taxonomy right now looks like this:

Logic and Philosophy of Logic
Classical Logic
Aristotelian Logic
Propositional Logic
Predicate Logic
Deontic Logic
Epistemic Logics
Doxastic and Epistemic Logic
Inductive Logic
Nonmonotonic Logic
Higher-Order Logics
Second-Order Logic
Higher-Order Logics, Misc
Modal and Intensional Logic
Intensional Modal Logic
Modal Logic
Provability Logics
Quantified Modal Logic
Semantics for Modal Logic
Nonclassical Logics
Fuzzy Logics
Infinitary Logics
Intuitionistic Logic
Many-Valued Logics
Paraconsistent Logics
Quantum Logic
Relevance Logics
Substructural Logics
Temporal Logic
Logics, Misc
Logical Pluralism
Logical Consequence and Entailment
Logical Expressions
Logical Constants
Logical Connectives
Logical Paradoxes
Sorites Paradox*
Liar Paradox
Russell's Paradox*
Logical Semantics and Logical Truth
Model Theory and Proof Theory
Philosophy of Logic, Misc
Epistemology of Logic
Informal Logic
Logical Pluralism
Logic in Philosophy

Philosophy of Mathematics
Epistemology of Mathematics
Apriority in Mathematics
Epistemology of Mathematics, Misc
Mathematics and the Causal Theory of Knowledge
Mathematical Intuition
Mathematical Proof
Godel's Theorem
Computer Proof
Probabilistic Proof
Mathematical Proof, Misc
Revisability in Mathematics
Mathematical Objects
Neo-Fregean Approaches
Indispensability Arguments
The Nature of Sets*
Mathematical Truth
Analyticity in Mathematics
Axiomatic Truth
Objectivity Of Mathematics
Philosophy of Set Theory
The Nature of Sets
The Iterative Conception of Set
Ontology of Sets
Axioms of Set Theory
Axiomatic Truth*
The Axiom of Choice
The Axiom of Constructibility
The Axiom of Determinacy
The Axiom of Infinity
New Axioms
Independence Results
Cardinals and Ordinals
The Continuum Hypothesis
Large Cardinals
Set Theory as a Foundation
Russell's Paradox
Set Theory and Logicism
Set-Theoretic Constructions
Areas of Mathematics
Category Theory
Number Theory
Theories of Mathematics
Intuitionism and Constructivism
Mathematical Naturalism
Philosophy of Mathematics, Misc
Explanation in Mathematics
The Infinite
The Application of Mathematics

Logic in the M&E part of the taxonomy:

Metaphysics and Epistemology
Philosophy of Language
Specific Expressions
Truth-Conditional Accounts of Indicative Conditionals
Epistemic Accounts of Indicative Conditionals
Pragmatic Accounts of Indicative Conditionals
Indicative Conditionals and Conditional Probabilities
Indicative Conditionals, Misc
Counterfactuals and Possible Worlds
Subjunctive Conditionals, Misc
Conditionals, Misc
Truth and Vagueness
Theories of Truth
Coherence Theory of Truth
Correspondence Theory of Truth
Minimalism and Deflationism about Truth
Pragmatism about Truth
Tarskian Theories of Truth
Theories of Truth, Misc
Truth, Misc
Relativism about Truth
Truth Bearers
Truth and Justification
The Liar Paradox
Theories of Vagueness
Contextual Theories of Vagueness
Degree-Theoretic Theories of Vagueness
Epistemic Theories of Vagueness
Incoherentism about Vagueness
Nihilism about Vagueness
Many-Valued Logic
Theories of Vagueness, Misc
Vagueness, Misc
Higher-Order Vagueness
Vague Objects*
Vagueness in Ethics and the Law

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