I wasn’t going to put this online until it was done and cleaned up, but given the situation, maybe this can be of help.
I just developed and tried out a course on formal logic for a 13-week semester. It has:
- a free online textbook: forall x: Calgary
- beamer slides for lectures (or screencasts)
- problem sets, which are mostly completed online on Carnap and graded automatically (see here if you want to use Carnap with a different textbook)
- practice problems for Carnap (accessible on carnap.io as well)
- 3 tests (only one converted to online/carnap so far)
Here are the beamer slides. If you’re an instructor and want the sources, drop me an email at rzach@ucalgary.ca. (Of course you’ll also get the sources to the problem sets etc.)
lecturesIf you can bear it, here are screencasts of my talking through the stuff on identity in these lecture slides, and doing some proofs on Carnap.
I love this. I hope you could upload lectures for your more advanced logic courses!
I don’t have slides for those and just talk and write on the blackboard — usually. Now, of course it all has to be videotaped: https://ucalgary.yuja.com/V/PlayList?node=251456&a=1219083458&autoplay=1
This is amazing! Thank you so much.