SSHRC has posted the list of funded projects from the most recent Standard Research Grants competition. These grants are for three years. Last year’s results are here. (Check the discussion in comments for info on what these grants are for, comparison with NEH grants, etc. UPDATE: Actually, the interesting discussion followed the 2006 list.)
This year’s stats: 105 applications (2008: 92; 2007: 88; 2006: 85, 2005: 96, 2004: 92), 32 grants, for a success rate of 30% (2008: 30%; 2007: 29%; 2006: 37%, 2005: 38%, 2004: 48%). Full stats here.
Here’s a list of the projects that jumped out at me as being philosophy projects or where I recognized the applicants as philosophers. So, the list is certainly incomplete! I haven’t bothered sorting them alphabetically this time: they’re sorted by province, east to west, then by university. The list doesn’t give the department, nor does it give the grant selection committee, so some of these may have applied to a GSC other than philosophy–I don’t think there’s a way to tell. As always, please email with corrections and additions, or post in comments. Congratulations to all! And kudos to SSHRC for making the list of results available right away, and not with a delay of several months as in the past.
And a question: is it just my impression, or is Quebec overrepresented in philosophy SSHRC’s? 42% of my list from Quebec, but only 27% of overall applications. It wasn’t like this in the past few years. Maybe just coincidence? (After all, the prairies got nothing this year, it seems, but we had a pretty good showing last year.)
- Renaud, François – Université de Moncton $25,787
Cicéron platonicien : la forme du dialogue et le débat entre scepticisme et dogmatisme - Charles, Syliane – Bishop’s University $44,400
Entre physique et métaphysique, l’individu chez Spinoza - Danisch, Robert C. – Concordia University $59,000
Completing the linguistic turn: neopragmatism as rhetorical theory - Smith, Justin E.H. – Concordia University $76,874
Nature, human nature, and human difference: philosophical anthropology and the problem of diversity in the new science of nature, 1500-1800 - Al-Saji, Alia – McGill University $39,957
Vision, race and ethics: a phenomenological investigation of racializing perception - Davies, David A. – McGill University $38,625
The ontology of multiple artworks: a performance-theoretic approach - Deslauriers, Marguerite L. – McGill University $80,237
Women, rationality and immortality: the reception of Plato and Aristotle in 16th and 17th C. feminist philosophy - McGilvray, James A. – McGill University $52,802
Philosophy and biolinguistics - Duchesneau, François – Université de Montréal $49,500
Monades et systèmes de la nature : Leibniz et sa postérité - Lepage, François – Université de Montréal $45,000
Les systèmes logiques de Lesniewski : une perspective contemporaine - Macdonald, Iain – Université de Montréal $35,724
Adorno and Heidegger: history and stakes of an unfinished debate - Lacroix, André – Université de Sherbrooke $71,660
Bégin, Luc – Université Laval
La formation chez les praticiens en éthique - Fisette, Denis – Université du Québec à Montréal $91,270
La philosophie de Franz Brentano via sa correspondance avec ses étudiants - Panaccio, Claude – Université du Québec à Montréal $71,540
Le nominalisme médiéval et l’externalisme : ontologie et théorie de l’esprit - Daigle, Christine – Brock University $42,873
Nietzsche as phenomenologist - Griffin, Nicholas J. – McMaster University $164,297
The collected letters of Bertrand Russell - Kumar, Rahul – Queen’s University $51,300
Contractualism and the contours of morality - Russon, John E. – University of Guelph $27,445
Being through another: the idealist legacy in continental philosophy - Moggach, Douglas A. – University of Ottawa $53,832
Freedom and perfection: Kant’s metaphysics of morals in context - Thompson, Evan T. – University of Toronto $41,640
The self and the brain: a neurophenomenological approach - Ripstein, Arthur S. – University of Toronto $71,050
Tort law as philosophy - Whiting, Jennifer E. – University of Toronto $58,000
Personal identity: practical yet metaphysical; or the ancient origins of Locke’s account – and of any truly neo-Lockean account – of personal identity - Morrison, Margaret C. – University of Toronto $73,250
Computer simulation, modelling and experiment: knowledge at the boundaries - Mullin, Amy M. – University of Toronto $39,723
Children and parents: ethical relationships - Franks, Paul W. – University of Toronto $75,852
What is the human: Kantianism the development of the humanities and the threat of Nihilism - Nagel, Jennifer – University of Toronto $38,220
Metacognition and epistemic assessment - DeVidi, David M. – University of Waterloo $73,350
Pluralisms, mathematical and logical - Boran, Idil – York University $36,155
The idea of a market for carbon and its implications for philosophy and public policy - Shapiro, Lisa C. – Simon Fraser University $45,900
Emotions and sense perception in 17th and 18th century philosophy - Margolis, Eric – The University of British Columbia $64,250
The origins of human concepts - Aydede, Murat – The University of British Columbia $45,750
Pain and the nature of phenomenal consciousness - Woodcock, Scott – University of Victoria $46,108
Practical wisdom and naturalistic moral psychology
There’s at least one more:Mullin, Amy M. – University of Toronto $39,723Children and parents: ethical relationships
Added, thanks. Brings the number of grants to women up to 6 (20%), after a number of years where it was much less than that. It’s still significantly less than for all SSHRC disciplines, where it’s about 36% (at almost equal numbers of applications: 46% women applicants).
Lisa Shapiro (ie, me) at Simon Fraser received a SSHRC this round, in the amount of $45,900 for a project titled “Emotions and Sense Perception in 17th and 18th century Philosophy”
I overlooked you last time around, too, didn’t I? Sorry!
Another one: Boran, Idil – York University $36,155The idea of a market for carbon and its implications for philosophy and public policy
Another one: Marguerite Deslauriers (McGill) Women, rationality and immortality: the reception of Plato and Aristotle in 16th and 17th C. feminist philosophy $80,237
Thanks. That’s 28% women now. And it’s frightneing that the only people I overlooked are women. I swear, I scanned the titles, not the names!
What a scam! What will this money go for air tickets, bogus research with no application/use other than self-indulgence? One more project on Nietzsche or Leibniz? The hundreds and hundreds of books and thousands of articles published are clearly not enough! How do you people sleep at night, knowing that there are hungry kids who desperately need tax dollars to feed them which instead are feeding your pseudo-research?
Two more: Claude Panaccio (UQAM) and Alia al-Saji (McGill)
Added, thanks. That makes 31% women.
Once the results are in the awards search engine, you can search by committee as well as program. So you could update your lists at that point. You can also search several years.In the awards search engine you can also search for those that listed philosophy as a discipline regardless of the committee they applied to.The link is at the top of the “competition results” page under Winning Research.
BTW, SSHRC doesn’t decide when to release the results publicly. Industry Canada does. (That’s the department SSHRC reports to.) Announcements are sensitive political things and the politicians get to decide.
Yes, I could. Probably a year and a half from now, people won’t care anymore. And that’s how long it’ll be before the results of this year’s competition are in the search engine.
I’m kinda surprised by a couple, particularly – since we’re on the topic of Quebec – one particular Quebec school being represented by some of their weaker faculty.That being said, Anonymous of April 22 doesn’t seem to realize that plenty of the “hungry kids who desperately need tax dollars” are philosophy grad students who will ultimately get a good chunk of this money.