If you’re a member of the ASL,* you recently received the September Newsletter. In it–maybe easy to miss–this nice opportunity to acquire some logic books for cheap:
For a limited time, the ASL is making available the following volumes from its book series at an additional discount.
Lecture Notes in Logic (each volume $12 for ASL members, $16 for non-members): LNL vol. 11, Logic Colloquium ’95; Proceedings of the Annual European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, held in Haifa, Israel, August 9-18, 1995; LNL vol. 12, Logic Colloquium ’96; Proceedings of the Colloquium held in San Sebastian, Spain, July 9-15, 1996.
Perspectives in Logic (each volume $18 for ASL members, $24 for non-members): Essential Stability Theory by S. Buechler; Metamathematics of First Order Arithmetic by P. Hajek and P. Pudlak.
To order these specially discounted volumes, contact the ASL Business Office: ASL, Box 742, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12604, USA; Tel: 1-845-437-7080; Fax: 1-845-437-7830; email: asl@vassar.edu.
There are more discounts available, including on subscriptions to History and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophia Mathematica, Studia Logica.
* You’re not? Shame on you. Go here to join.