Studia Logica 61 (1998) 7–33
(with Matthias Baaz, Christian G. Fermüller, and Gernot Salzer)
Studia Logica 61 (1998) 7–33
(with Matthias Baaz, Christian G. Fermüller, and Gernot Salzer)
Taiwanese Journal for Philosophy and History of Science 10 (1998) 33–60
(special issue on philosophy of mathematics edited by Charles Chihara)
28th International Symposium on Multiple Valued Logic. May 1998, Fukuoka, Japan. Proceedings (IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1998) 108-113
(with Matthias Baaz)
In: Computer Science Logic. 9th Workshop, CSL'95. Selected Papers (Springer, Berlin, 1996) 1-15
(with Matthias Baaz and Alexander Leitsch)
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (1995) 3–23
(with Matthias Baaz)
Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics 29 (1994) 333–355
(with Matthias Baaz and Christian G. Fermüller)
24th International Symposium on Multiple Valued Logic. Boston. Proceedings (IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, 1994) 257-263
(with Matthias Baaz)
Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, 1993
Technical Report TUW-E185.2-Z.1-93
Computer Science Logic. 7th Workshop, CSL'93.
Swansea. Selected Papers (Springer, Berlin, 1994) 33-35
(with Matthias Baaz)
It is shown how the schema of equivalence can be used to obtain short proofs of tautologies A, where the depth of proofs is linear in the number of variables in A.
Workshop on Tableau-based Deduction, Marseille, 1993. Bulletin of the EATCS 51 (1993) 192–197 (with Matthias Baaz and Christian G. Fermüller)
23rd International Symposium on Multiple Valued Logic. Sacramento. Proceedings (IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, 1993) 208–213
(with Matthias Baaz and Christian G. Fermüller)
Computer Science Logic. 6th Workshop, CSL '92.
San Miniato. Selected Papers (Springer, Berlin, 1993) 29-42
(with Matthias Baaz)
We investigate the problem of algorithmic structuring of proofs in the sequent calculi LK and LKB (LK where blocks of quantifiers can be introduced in one step), where we distinguish between linear proofs and proofs in tree form.