Natural deduction for the Sheffer stroke and Peirce’s arrow (and any other truth-functional connective)

Richard Zach, "Natural Deduction for the Sheffer Stroke and Peirce’s Arrow (and any Other Truth-Functional Connective)," Journal of Philosophical Logic 45(2) (2016), pp. 183–197. Methods available for the axiomatization of arbitrary finite-valued logics can be applied to obtain sound and complete intelim rules for all truth-functional connectives of classical logic including the Sheffer stroke (NAND) … Continue reading Natural deduction for the Sheffer stroke and Peirce’s arrow (and any other truth-functional connective)

Helmut Veith (1971-2016)

My friend and colleague Helmut Veith died yesterday.  His death is a great and shocking loss to his family and friends, and the logic community, especially in Austria. I've known Helmut since we were undergraduates in computer science at Vienna Technical University in the early 1990s.  We shared a passion for theoretical topics in computer … Continue reading Helmut Veith (1971-2016)

Association of Symbolic Logic Abstract Deadline Today!

The deadline to submit abstracts for contributed talks at the ASL Annual Meeting in Storrs, CT this May is today! There will be a super exciting Special Session on History and Philosophy of Logic, featuring: Teresa Kouri (Ohio State), Carnap on translations Daniel Nolan (ANU), Reflections on Routley's Ultralogic Program Dave Ripley (UConn), Toward a … Continue reading Association of Symbolic Logic Abstract Deadline Today!

Diversity Summer Program on Paradoxes

Maureen Eckert is organizing Summer Program for Diversity: Logic at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth from May 22-28, 2016.  The program is open to undergraduates and recent graduates from underrepresented groups; there are 10 spaces and travel & lodging are provided.  The topic of the program is paradoxes: Paradoxes present the ultimate challenge—contradictions. Logicians and … Continue reading Diversity Summer Program on Paradoxes

William Craig, 1918-2016

Bill Craig died early Thursday morning at the age of 97.  He was a member of Berkeley's philosophy department since 1961, and a central figure in Berkeley's logic community.  He was warm, supportive, approachable, just really a wonderful person. Berkeley's memorial notice is here. We were office mates of sorts for two years.  I was … Continue reading William Craig, 1918-2016

Ada Lovelace is 200

Ada Lovelace was born 200 years ago today.  Here's a roundup of articles: Meet Countess Ada Lovelace, The World’s First Computer Programmer (MTV) Remembering Ada Lovelace, computer-music prognosticator (Boston Globe) Die Zahlenzauberin (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, German)

LaTeX for Print-on-Demand Books

Spent today figuring out how to get LaTeX to produce interior and cover PDFs you can use with print-on-demand/self-publishing services such as Lulu and Blurb. Wrote about it at the Open Logic Project.

I started making my textbook for Logic II next term, in 7 easy steps. Read about it at the Open Logic Project.